How I’m Going to Write Going Forward

I’ve been struggling a bit lately in determining what course I want to take with my writing.  You can read all over the internet about strategies to grow a blog.  Be very niche, don’t write about too many different avenues, etc.  I think my site occupies a nice niche of the golf travel world.

I am sure that is all great advice and I will do my best to follow it.  That being said, I am going to try to stick to writing about only what moves me in golf.  That may change depending on the day :).

For the last two majors that strategy has led to me not doing predictions like I’ve done in the past.  Predicting golf tournaments has always been a fool’s errand for me.  I’m rarely right and I spend the event concerned if my picks don’t do well.  Some of that is on me, but I much more enjoy an event when I just let it play out.

So what moves me in golf?  I think you all know that it is golf travel, first and foremost.  So you will continue to see course tours.  I’m not the best wordsmith obviously, but the pictures help.

My goal with course tours is to give you a relatively real-time evaluation of the course through photos.  I want you to see what I see and enjoy the tour.  Maybe they will help you with trip planning.  Perhaps they are inspirational.  Or maybe you just like to see some golf pictures.  Whatever it may be, I’m not here to give in-depth architecture takes or explain golf strategy.  I want to point out what the photos may not show clearly and provide some context.  Hopefully that shows through.

Other than that, my direction may change here and there, but golf is still my passion.  It will continue to give me good content in the future.


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