An American Caddie in St Andrews

I recently finished up Oliver Horovitz’s book, An American Caddie in St Andrews.  I know some time has passed since it came out, but don’t let that dissuade you from picking it up.

Horovitz tells the story of how he used his gap year between high school and enrolling at Harvard to caddie at venerable St. Andrews in Scotland.  In his telling, it seemed as this may be a one-summer thing but it evolved into multiple summers.

The stories are varied and interesting.  You get the typical interesting caddie stories of drinking, crazy golfers, and other general silliness.  What distinguishes this book is the other tales.  Horovitz tells of his first serious relationships how those worked with living in the US and caddying at St. Andrews.  I won’t spoil anything but the Model Caddies storyline was particularly amusing.

All of the above is wonderful but the true beauty of the book is revealed in Oliver’s interactions with his Uncle Ken.  Ken was a veteran of WWII and from this account a wonderful man.  Their friendship was heartwarming to read about.  It reminded me very much of the relationship I had with my Grampa and getting started in the game.

I don’t want to spoil any more than that for you.  Horovitz’s style makes for an easy and free-flowing read.  If you have a slow weekend you should be able to blow this book with joy.  I highly recommend picking up An American Caddie in St Andrews wherever you get your books!

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